Powdered Metal Parts

Powder metallurgy process is used extensively for a wide range of parts to lower the cost if quantity is large enough to justify it. The advantages are well known. The downside is lower density compared to casting, forging, machining from steel stocks, or MIM. But, we have made a breakthrough to get high density thus high strength now. See Our Specialty on Density.

Powdered Metal Parts Made in Taiwan

High Strength & Density Breakthrough Above 7.2 g/cm3

A breakthrough of Powered Metal ( PM ) process to achieve higher density up to 7.6g/cm3 thus to have higher strength at slightly higher cost compared to previous PM parts.

Stainless Steel Density at 6.9-7 g/cm3

Stainless Steel density at 6.9-7 g/cm3

Normal compaction for previous powders can get about 6.4-5 only. Through our new material, we are able to compact to 6.9-7 before sintering.

It will enable customers to have better quality of sintered Stainless Steel.

Hard to Form Parts

If a shape is too complex to be compacted before sintering, it cannot be manufactured using the powder metal process.

We specialize in small to medium-sized parts, even those that are not available elsewhere. Our proven success reflects our extensive experience and expertise

The part shown is rack for heavy vehicle braking ASA, automatic slack adjuster use. The forming is very difficult for requiring 3 axis and thin construction. It has to meet the pulling force required. Not many manufacturers can do it we believe.

Surface finishes by EDP Electrophoretic Disposition Coating, Electro Plating in colors

EDP color in black for wheel chairs- locking discs that require finish with good appearance. PM is known for difficulty to process the finishing due to porosity nature.Electric plating with colors also possible.

Bush Axle – PM

Original made by casted bronze. We converted to lower cost iron sinter and machined with good finish and precision. It’s a success to replace higher cost copper material.

Small to Medium Parts

Small and hard to form parts are also our specialty. No too many PMers are available for small medium parts. We as a typical Small and Medium industry are welcoming such inquiries. Parts we made have high percentage of small to medium and complicated parts.

Gerotor For Low and High Pressure

We are proud of our capability to provide design and manufacturing the rotors even quality is demanding.

Gerotors for Oil Pumps – for low pressure lubrication use it is a standard now by powdered metal. But for high pressure Obital Valves/Power Steering Valves – PM is considered not workable for use so far. They are made by steel bar stock with dedicate machining and grinding machines. However, we have now high strength material so that will work with confidence.

Typical Industries We Serve!

Bushes in various material such as iron, bronze, or stainless steel

Metal parts for slack adjusters – Rack, Pinion, Gear Control, and other parts

Shift-level very demanding for dimensions, hardness, and pin pulling forces, and blind screw hole depth

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